Assessment of the Rule of Law and Its Risk Prevention against the Background of Modernization of State Governance

Author: Lv Yanbin


Abstract: The assessment of the rule of law, which has the functions of participation, supervision, verification, regulation and guidance, is an important aspect of the development of the rule of law in the new era, and plays a huge role in advancing the modernization of the state governance system and capability. In practice, however, there are different understandings of what is a qualified assessment subject; in many assessments, the randomness and lack of rigor in the selection of indicators have resulted in large deviations in the design of indicators, which affect the objectiveness of the assessment; and in some other assessments, the problems of unscientific selection of methods and over-reliance on satisfaction surveys have led to non-objective and inaccurate assessment results. To prevent these risks, China should provide a better support and environment.


Key Words: state governance; rule of law assessment; rule of law index; third-party assessment


Author: Lv Yanbin, a research fellow and head of the Department of Investigation and Survey of National Situation of the Rule of Law, CASS Law Institute

Source: 8 (2021 Exploration and Free Views