Professor Park In Soo from the Law School of Yeungnam University Visits CASS Law Institute


Professor In Soo Park, a constitutional law scholar at the Law School of Yeungnam University, visited CASS Institute of Law and held a meeting with Professor Mo Jihong, director of the Institute, on July 6, 2023.

During the meeting, the host and guest exchanged views on deepening and strengthening the cooperation between CASS Institute of Law and the Law School of Yeungnam University. Professor Mo Jihong pointed out that the exchanges and cooperation between the two institutions in the field of constitutional law have a long history and many fruitful academic exchanges have been carried out by means of exchange visits, participation in conferences organized by each other or joint participation in international seminars. He suggested that, in the future, the two institutions should consolidate their cooperation mechanism by agreement and further strengthen the exchange of scholars and students. Professor Park In Soo thanked Director Mo Jihong for his warm reception. He reviewed the friendly exchanges between the two institutions and pointed out that the cooperation between the two institutions has a solid foundation and that his Law School is willing to work with the Institute of Law to further deepen their academic exchange.

Also attending the meeting were Mr. Zhang Jingui, head of Research Coordination and International Cooperation Department of CASS Institute of Law, Mr. Sun Nanxiang, deputy head of Research Coordination and International Cooperation Department of CASS Institute of International Law, Ms. Jin Yuzhen, an assistant research fellow at the CASS Institute of Law, and Ms. Shen Qian, an assistant Research fellow at CASS Institute of International Law.