The seventh lecture of "Legal History Lecture Hall" of the China Institute of Legal History held online



The seventh lecture in the academic lecture series "Legal History Lecture Hall", sponsored by the China Institute of Legal History, was held online on the morning of August 23, 2023. The lecture, entitled “The Daily Life Shaped by Law: Also on the Necessity of a Comparative Study of Legal System between Governments of Communist Revolutionary Bases and Nanjing National Government", was given by Hou Xinyi, a professor at and the director of the Center for Modern Legal History of the Law School of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, and presided over by Professor Zhang Renshan from Law School Nanjing University. Professor Nie Xin from the Law School of Tsinghua University and Professor You Chenjun from the Law School of Renmin University of China served as commentators at the lecture. More than 200 people, including experts, scholars, teachers and students from universities and research institutes all over the country, attended the lecture.  

Professor Hou Xinyi, Ph.D. in Law, is currently a professor, doctoral supervisor and director of the Center for Modern Legal History of the Law School of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics. He is also the executive chairman of the China Institute of Legal History, the vice chairman of the Legal Culture Society of China Law Society and the chairman of the Legal History Society of Tianjin Law Society. His previous positions include a member of the Law Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, vice chairman of Tianjin Law Society, specially designated supervisor of the Supreme People's Court, special inspector to the Supreme People's Procuratorate, etc. His main research fields are the traditional Chinese civil law system, the Chinese modern judicial system, and the legal history of the Communist Party of China. He has published dozens of academic papers in such core journals of law as the Chinese Journal of Law, China Legal Science, Peking University Law Journal, Jurist, Law Science, Tsinghua University Law Journal, Tribune of Political Science and Law, Journal of East China University of Political Science and Law, and Law Review, as well as many academic monographs.