The first "New Book Salon" of CASS Institute of Law and CASS Institute of International Law: Urban Legislation in Contemporary China by Dr. Wang Yi


The first "New Book Salon" of CASS Institute of Law and CASS Institute of International Law, co-sponsored by the CASS Law Library and the Research Coordination and International Cooperation Department of the CASS Institute of Law, was held in the CASS Law Library on October 10, 2023. At the salon, a presentation was given by Dr. Wang Yi, an editor at the Chinese Journal of Law and an assistant research fellow at the CASS Institute of Law, on her newly published book Urban Legislation in Contemporary China. The presentation was presided over by Professor Zhi Zhenfeng, the head librarian of the CASS Law Library, and attended by more than 20 researchers and graduate students from the CASS Institute of Law and the CASS Institute of International Law. Professor Ding Xiaodong from Renmin University of China, Associate Professor Tu Kai from Tsinghua University, Mr. Jin Hao, a reporter from the Political and Economic Department of Guangming Daily, and Ms. Zhang Li, a reporter from Procuratorial Daily, served as the commentators at the salon.

At the salon, Dr. Wang Yi introduced the framework and basic contents of her book, Professor Zhi Zhenfeng and three commentators each made a comment on the new book, and the participants exchanged views on the contents of the book and carried out in-depth discussion on contemporary urban legislation in China from multiple perspectives.