The 2024 annual conference of the Constitutional Law Research Committee of China Law Society was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on October 26-27, 2024. At the opening ceremony of the conference, the new book A Brief Introduction to the Academic Development of Constitutional Law in New China was launched. Professor Zhang Wenxian, vice chairman of China Law Society and director of the Academic Committee of the Society, and Professor Mo Jihong, director of CASS Institute of Law, jointly unveiled the new book. On behalf of the research group on the book, Professor Mo Jihong introduced the reasons, basic contents and follow-up research ideas of the book. Professor Zhang Wenxian highly praised the research group on its research work, congratulated the publication of the new book, and encouraged the research group to launch more high-quality research results and make greater contributions to the construction of China's independent constitutional knowledge system.

The book is a result of the major philosophy and social science research project of the Ministry of Education "Building China's Independent Knowledge System of Constitutional Law", presided over by Professor Mo Jihong. Its editors-in-chief are Professor Mo Jihong, Professor Li Zhong and Professor Liu Xiaomei and associate Professor Liu Zhixin and its deputy editors-in-chief are associate Professor Zhu Xuelei. The book systematically reviews the development context of theoretical research and academic activities in the field of constitutional law science in China since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, comprehensively presents the historical track and contemporary picture of the academic development of constitutional law in China, and provides an important reference for accurately grasping the mode of generation and the direction of development of China's independent constitutional law knowledge system.