The final evaluation of the legislative research project on supply and marketing cooperatives was held at the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on the morning of October 31st, Mr. Cheng Qingxin, Secretary-General and Director of General Office of All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Professor Mo Jihong, Director of CASS Institute of Law and Member of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Mr. Han Jiang, Deputy Director of Cooperation Guidance Department and Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs Office of All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Professor Xie Hongfei, Head of Civil Law Department of CASS Institute of Law, and Professor Zhu Guangxin, Deputy Head of Civil Law Department of CASS Institute of Law, attended the evaluation as evaluation experts.

Professor Sun Xianzhong, a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and a research fellow at CASS Institute of Law, gave a keynote report as the project leader, in which he introduced the research process and results of the project.
The evaluation experts attending the meeting spoke highly of the research results of the project and agreed that the research report and the draft proposal analyzes in a deep-going way the key and difficult issues in the legislation on supply and marketing cooperatives from both theoretical and practical perspectives, and provides solid theoretical support for promoting the legislation on supply and marketing cooperatives. The project had achieved the expected results. Finally, a ceremony was held in which Professor Sun Xianzhong handed over the results of this research to the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives on behalf of the research group.

The legislative research project on supply and marketing cooperatives is commissioned by the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and undertaken by a research team led by Professor Sun Xianzhong. It aims to provide scientific and systematic theoretical analysis for the construction and improvement of the legal system of supply and marketing cooperatives.