Zhang Sheng (collator), The Civil Law of the Republic of China: A Compilation of Legislative Reasons and Judgment Interpretations, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, October 2023.
This book is a collated edition of Six Laws of the Republic of China: A Compilation of Legislative Reasons and Interpretations of Judgments (Part II: Civil Law), originally edited by Mr. Wu Jingxiong, a jurist in the period of the Republic of China, revised and enlarged by Guo Wei, and published by Huiwentang New Book Company in July 1948. It was the last and most complete compilation of legislative reasons and case explanations in the field of civil law during the period of the Nanjing National Government and, as such, has an important value in the study of civil law history in China. This edition of the book, which is collated by Professor Zhang Sheng, the head of the Legal History Department of CASS Institute of Law, is aimed at preserving historical materials, and knowledge, providing references, and serving as the material foundation for relevant academic research and practice.