MO Jihong: On the Dialectical Unity of “New-quality Democracy“ and “New-quality Rule of Law“ Based on New-quality Productive Forces

Abstract: Based on the analysis of the nature, connotation, features, constituent elements and significance of "new-quality productive forces", by applying Marxist standpoints, viewpoints and methods, and adhering to the guidance of XI Jinping's Thought on the Rule of Law, the following major jurisprudence-related judgment can be made: the emergence and development of "new-quality productive forces" are likely to cause the formation of "new-quality relations of production", and then promote the transformation of the superstructure toward "new-quality superstructure" through "new-quality economic base".  The social changes resulting from the "new-quality productive forces" are objective law, and the democracy and rule of law as important parts of superstructure would also increasingly show features of "new-quality democracy" and "new-quality rule of law" with the continuous development of "new-quality productive forces". The "whole-process people's democracy" is an important symbol of "new-quality democracy", and the digital rule of law and foreign-related rule of law constitute the core elements of "new-quality rule of law". The legal research community should make planning as soon as possible, conduct research in advance, carry out in-depth analysis of possible revolutionary changes in social superstructure including elements such as democracy and the rule of law possibly caused by the development of "new-quality productive forces" in terms of jurisprudence, and put forward practical and feasible responsive plans.

Key Words: New-quality Productive Forces; New-quality Relations of Production; New-quality Economic Base; New-quality Superstructure; New-quality Democracy; New-quality Rule of Law; Whole-process People's Democracy; Digital Rule of Law; Foreign-related Rule of Law

Author: Mo Jihong, director and research fellow, CASS Institute of Law; dean and doctoral supervisor, Law School of the University of CASS.

Source: 6 (2024) Political Science and Law.